The lowest hand in poker is called a low hand. It is a hand made up of five cards of the same suit. The highest hand in poker is called a high hand. If more than one person has five of a kind, the higher card wins. The lowest pair is a pair of aces.
Poker is played with an average of six to eight players. In the traditional game, the player with the best hand wins the pot, which is the total amount of money wagered. However, variations of the game may award the highest hand and the lowest hand a portion of the pot. In some variations, a player must reveal the cards in order to win the pot.
While the earliest known game of poker dates back to Persia, there are many different versions of the game. One version originated in France, and the word poker comes from it. Another version was developed in Germany and spread to the United States. Thousands of variations of the game have been developed. The game has evolved over the years, and today it is popular both in North and South America.
A player who does not win the pot will drop out of the main pot. This is called a drop or folding. If more than one player has won the pot, the player who has dropped out of the main pot will forfeit their rights to it.